Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tutorial ^ It's coming your way soon!

I have a couple of projects on the go right now as you see my postings uploaded fairly quickly today. It took me a long time to complete all these as I always make more than one and not less than 10 at a time. I have 16 other cork ornaments waiting to be finished painted as I type to you today. I will create a new tutorial by the end of September. I will probably make it a video tutorial. I haven't decided if I am going to do both a video or a PDF yet. I am in the process of making new ornaments for my family gifts.

*Tip for crafting for new comers. ~~ When starting a template always make more than one at a time to get the feeling for the craft and to save time while painting one takes foooreever to complete if you wait for the one project to fully complete. I always make a bunch and paint the project one layer on all then do the next layer. By the time I get to the last one piece you painted the first one is dry in most cases.

*Tip Paint brushes ~~ The first coat you paint on your project is the most important. If you use old brushes to begin a project or at any time during the painting process it will be bumpy, inaccurate and more difficult to paint the next layer. Always use good brushes and make sure your paint is not to liquid and not too thick. It may be difficult to do as a beginner but practices does make perfect....which I know everyone says at one point or another in books and magazines and such.

Sneak Peak ===> Beer Cork ~ Wine Cork

Sneak peak...I have been working on a few things these last two weeks. These templates will change by adding something or changing the face but the idea is there. I just have to finalize the way these will look. I like the cork because it is not heavy and will look nice on the tree. The shape of the cork is perfect for this project but you can use any wooden cork. Children can make these but I would make the hats up-front as I used a hot glue gun to complete the project.

Snowman Ornament

This snowman ornament can be personalized or a year put on the brim of the hat. Lightweight made of cork this is a great addition for all those snowman lovers. I made three templates. The other two have sparkles added to the ornament but it is difficult to get a sparkle photo. I made one with just the snowman that sparkles and the other is random all over the ornament. They all look cute. I will post more photos of all three so you can see for yourself.

I have been away from crafting for a couple months while my children are on summer vacation. Finding time to craft has been difficult but school will be starting soon so the crafting will begin full swing again in September.

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