Monday, January 31, 2011

Wood Snowflakes

These little snowflakes will be included in the market. I spent 6 hours making these snowflakes. They sit on my desk while their nose dries. There will be more pictures of this ornament posted at a later date as it was this year gifts to my family in Canada. I also have 6 candy canes I am designing.

So the thing about these snowflakes is that they do not need a hanger attached to them. You just  place it at the tip of the branch then push the branch between the flake. I have tested 25 of them. My sister used these at the tip of the branches where she highlighted the new personalize angel balls I gave as  presents this year. You notice them right away with their little smiley face look right back at you. There are not too many ornaments out there that sit at the tip of the branch. In saying that I have a couple more ideas coming this year to occupy the tip of the branches for something new and exciting.

I will be creating other things than ornaments this year but at the moment I am in the mood to finish these up. Next up are the felt angel, new felt snowman angel, new felt penguin angel designs and possible pattern for these designs. I have not decided weather the PDF for the angels will be free. We will see. Have fun crafting!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I have successfully submitted my first online tutorial to I am excited to see my first tutorial make it out into the public as Undesigning Crafter. They changed the title but it looks good all the same. The project is rate at a 4 stars so I thought that was good. That means I did a good job listing the skill level and the structure of my pdf tutorial was good.  Thanks

Did I meantion that I am not an expert wire wrapper. This project was my first time attempting wire wrapping. I have another idea for a key chain as a year end gift for teachers. I'll keep you posted on that.

I have submitted the Elegant Emerald Bobble PDF tutorial  to a craft magazine. Keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Busy Bee

Well, I am off and running this morning. Just created a Undesigning Crafter Group on Flickr. As I will post most of my new ideas and creations there first, I would like to give everyone the opportunity to ask me questions where I post my tutorials. You are welcome to ask questions on this site or you can goto Nancy Dort Flickr.

Once you go to my flickr page you will see a variety of items I have created. I like to work with different mediums and textiles so you may find one time I post with wire wrapping the next some felting ideas. I like to experiment with all textiles. By not limiting myself to one craft styles I tend to wonder about trying everything I can possibly get my hands on. Sometimes I feel it is a bit overwhelming at times because I sometimes loose sleep when these ideas pop in my head around 2am. I usually turn over and turn the light on to write it down. If not, its like a ghost haunting me til I get up and write it down. Or I will partially forget an idea or it's just gone. I keep a craft scratch book near my bed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elegant Emerald Bobble

In celebration of the launch of my new blog I have just completed my first tutorial in PDF for those who want to learn a bit of wire wrapping. Here is the link Elegant Emerald Bobble. Over my holidays I spent a lot of time creating new Christmas ornament as gifts this year. I hope you enjoy this new style of ornament I have create.

*All copper base is recycled copper left over from renovations in progress*

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Undesigning Crafter Blog

I am trying to figure out how to add my "Undesigning Crafter Blog" to this site but yet to accomplish it. Here is the link if you wish to join this group of crafters.

Welcome to Undesigning Crafter's first posting...

I was having a hard time thinking of what I would like to call myself as a whole when it comes to crafting. So I have come up with "Undesigning Crafter". There are so many blogs out there with a lot information. Here I would like to post my works of art. In no particular order or way that would probably make sense to anyone else but me. So more or less this is a chronicle of my work as I make it.

In Canada, I have gone to many craft shows in my local town. I like to go to craft shows and display my work. I don't always sell my crafts but sitting there and meeting new people gives me a chance to get out and see other people and people who craft.  Walking around the other tables and seeing what the other crafters make inspires me to make new and original works.

I plan my first craft show at a local craft market here in Belgium. On December 10-11th, 2011. I will blog my way as I make crafts and post as much as possible. I am in the middle of house renovations so if I don't post for a week or so I shall return. All my crafts on this site are copyright material of Nancy Dort/Undesigning Crafter.

I am pondering whether I should make a book of all my crafts with tips and hints on how to make the crafts I create. E-books seem like the way to go these days so I have much work to do this year as I craft. My list of things to do this year are getting bigger by the minute...but isn't that always the way.