Thursday, February 17, 2011

Video Podcast Craft Tutorial Anyone?

I have been researching how to make a video Podcast. It will be a bit of a challenge as I have not ever made one. I have this poll up to see which craft in the photo is liked the best. To know which of the tutorials you would like me to create a podcast for check one or more of boxes on the right side poll I have posted. I will see which is the most popular and create a podcast for it.

Once the poll is completed I will post a date of when the podcast tutorial is available for viewing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Let It Snow ~ Let It Snow

A  hint of sparkle and real snow. Wishing for snow and bringing holiday cheer. This ornament is unique and is made of cork. Hand painted and original design to bring you closer to that special time of the year.

There are two colors to choose from purple and pink. I will post the pink at a later date.

Gingerbread Kisses

This gingerbread will melt anyone's heart. Dark chocolate brown 60mm glass ball. Hand painted and designed with a snowflake making it cute as a  button. With eyes that glow and a powdered nose. He brings gingerbread kisses and holiday wishes.
This gingerbread is small but will have a big impact on your tree. Making this a family matter I made a big 60mm and a smaller one for those who like to have a variety on their tree. Hand molded nose with a touch of powder making this a great addition to those gingerbread lovers. Measurements to follow for the small ball.

All these ornaments were given to my family this year so I am posted all the photos I took over the holidays. I didn't just create them in a week. It took me 4 weeks to create these and there are more to come. I think I painted at least 60 balls for all my family members and close relatives. I was a busy bee on vacation. :0 )

Just to let everyone know I haven't had my own Christmas tree. So, this year I will have to make a lot of ornaments to fill my own tree. I have been painting ornaments for 12 years so I look forward to having one this year. All my family have all these ornaments on their trees which looks great. It makes me happy to see them on the tree. It will be special for me to have them on my own. I don't expect to buy to many to put on my tree. This year I have to start saving some of the new ornaments I design for my tree.

Delightfully Red

Wire wrapped deep red Christmas ball. This was a gift to my mother. The first in a series of glass wrapped balls I will be creating some wire wrapped balls in silver at a later date..

Felt Snowman

This new design brings out the snowman in all of us. Plush and fluffy to the touch this ornament will be anyone's delight to hang on your tree.

The second of three felt ornaments. The penguin design will be coming at a later date. Double layered wings and all hand sewn with care. Sparkling wings and a orange nose making this felt snowman unique with each stitch.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Passionate Purple Fairy

I created this fairy with a touch of copper and beads to try something a bit different. This fairy measures 20cm long from head to copper beads on the bottom. Well formed she will grace any area of the room with her presence. This Waldorf inspired fairy will be included in my inventory of things to sell at the Kerstmarkt.

I have other colours of merino wool but have not created any new ones lately. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks as I will be posting  "Pretty in Pink" and "Winter Bliss".

Psst. They are not so hard to make once you get the technique down. The more I make the easier it gets and the less time it takes me to make them. Pipe cleaners, wool batting, merino wool and some wool hair is all that is needed.

If you are in the area I live in there is not a craft/hobby store around. The two stores I have gone to and are currently open. They have merino wool and pipe cleaners. DeBanier and Kreabo are both filled with lots of hobby tools and accessories. I really like the Kreabo because it is much bigger in supplies...a warehouse full of crafts and things.I could spend all day in there looking at everything and wanting to buy it all..haha. oh well, one craft at a time. I am closer to DeBanier but will frequent both as they have great supplies. It took me a long time to find these two places. There seems to be a demand for crafting but not too many store stay open in my area.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Felt Angels

These were supposed to be gifts to my family but they got the new snowman angel instead. I assembled these this afternoon but have about 100 to go.

The angels will not be for public sale as these are not how I want them to appear. They are cute but I am not happy with the white dots on the cheeks so these ones will be on my tree.

And I figured out how to put the paint on the felt so it doesn't clump up, smudge or blot...shhhh it's a secret. You have to put paint on a Q-tip and then put a tiny bit of water. I always paint my finger nails which is funny because only the people who know me know it's paint not a bad nail polish job. I just use my nails to make sure it does not blob onto the project I am working. I have no idea if anyone else does that. Ah well, it is all good. Just have fun making crafts.

I am going to make a PDF for this for sale at some point this year. I am debating about going online to sell. For sure I will be making templates and making it into a kit. I think those things are always interesting. Price point I have not thought of just yet.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Star Power

Well, sometimes I can not help myself when I see something and think...I know exactly what I can do with you pretty star. I have been experimenting with wire wrapping and this is the beginning. I have learned how to make a bail watching videos and free online tutorials.

Now with the wire sculpturing it will be a bit more involved with truly wrapping in a more elegant fashion. So look forward to more wire wrapping and give it a try yourself. I am not a wire expert and this is what I come up with these little stars. This glass star is wrapped with copper.
Measurement: 3cm across
                        1cm thick
And while I was wiring some glass stars I decided to try a more firm wire. This stone is wrapped in stainless steel, it will not tarnish, loose its shine or rust. It is not the best work but you have to start somewhere. I need to invest in a good set of pliers for these projects. My swirls need to improve.