Thursday, December 24, 2015

White Lines and Dots

White lines and dots make interesting new ornaments I designed last week. I am still experimenting with the idea. I like the idea of working with just lines and adding dots or other solid shapes. I started off with lines separating the ball into sections then went from pattern.  I will probably use some acrylic paint at some point as I like the look of the lace style ornaments. They have much finer lines. 

I used an oil paint marker but I find the tip to be too big. I will have to find a smaller line to be completely happy with the ornament. The ornament on the left that is red shiny glass. The one of the right that is blue satin glass ornament. The shiny glass one soaks up the oil paint on the red. The ball that is satin holds the paint really nicely. Depending on the quality of glass ball and what type you can get good results. I had some left over so I took the time to see which ball would have the best results.

I will be posting more ornaments in the coming days before New Years.
Just like to wish everyone "Happy Holidays". Until next time...Happy Crafting!!


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