Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gingerbread Kisses

This gingerbread will melt anyone's heart. Dark chocolate brown 60mm glass ball. Hand painted and designed with a snowflake making it cute as a  button. With eyes that glow and a powdered nose. He brings gingerbread kisses and holiday wishes.
This gingerbread is small but will have a big impact on your tree. Making this a family matter I made a big 60mm and a smaller one for those who like to have a variety on their tree. Hand molded nose with a touch of powder making this a great addition to those gingerbread lovers. Measurements to follow for the small ball.

All these ornaments were given to my family this year so I am posted all the photos I took over the holidays. I didn't just create them in a week. It took me 4 weeks to create these and there are more to come. I think I painted at least 60 balls for all my family members and close relatives. I was a busy bee on vacation. :0 )

Just to let everyone know I haven't had my own Christmas tree. So, this year I will have to make a lot of ornaments to fill my own tree. I have been painting ornaments for 12 years so I look forward to having one this year. All my family have all these ornaments on their trees which looks great. It makes me happy to see them on the tree. It will be special for me to have them on my own. I don't expect to buy to many to put on my tree. This year I have to start saving some of the new ornaments I design for my tree.


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